Giacomo Frittelli
DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY giacomofrittelli.com Giacomo has obtained a Bachelor's degree in Media Design at NABA, Academy of Art in Milan. Passionate about photography and moved by the connections between expressive needs and artistic solutions, after various experiences in avant-garde artistic scenarios he moves to Rome to improve his skills at the cinematography departments of features film productions. Thanks to a deep technical knowledge of digital shooting, he realizes as a cinematographer different narrative short films in Italy, Switzerland and USA including "Death For a Unicorn" selected to "Venice Film festival 2013" He has also worked for many fashion movies with important international brands, documentaries, music videos and tv commercials in Italy and abroad. Based in Milan, since 2011 he works for Italian and international directors.

吉普 Jeep
Jeep是一个汽车品牌。世界上第一辆Jeep越野车是1941年在二战中为满足美军军需生产的。至今已具有80年历史。 克莱斯勒公司作为Jeep的鼻祖,单独拥有这一注册商标。因此“不是所有吉普都叫Jeep”。

凯迪拉克 Cadillac

Fernando Lui Colourist
fernando-lui.com lui@marlagrading.com.br marlagrading.com.br