本田 Honda

Seasoned delivering creative communication concepts and flawless realizations. Branding over dozens of commercial event through each unique and tailor made concepts. As a Vjing once before I am dedicated to further developing public visual arts and interactive installations.
Industry Sectors
Exhibition & Conference - Creative solution
Entertainment - Stage & live visual design
General management
Creative direct
Marketing and brand development

五菱汽车品牌诞生于1985年,是企业“艰苦创业,自强不息”精神的体现,现已经成为中国汽车行业最具价值的品牌之一。 “五菱”文字、图形商标分别荣获“中国驰名商标”。

Gentleman Scholar
Gentleman Scholar is a creative production company drawn together by a love for design and an eagerness to push boundaries. Since launching in Los Angeles in 2010 and expanding to New York in 2016, we have stuck our claim in every media platform imaginable. In the hands of our diverse team our goal is to continue to evolve within the disciplines of live-action production, animation, digital exploration, print and VR. Above it all, we love sharing our fusion of story, style, technology and design. And we’re happy you’re here.

Joshua Neale
Joshua Neale有一个成功的职业生涯,作为一个纪录片和视觉导演。他独特的能力作为一个会用视觉讲故事的人,并获得了与全球大品牌和广告机构的合作机会。
Neale联手BBH伦敦和尊尼获加,制作了病毒影片“晨报”。影片是对他的视觉语言和风格的肯定,并在2013 AICP展上荣获摄影奖。Neale联手纽约的Droga 5做题为“意义”的摩托罗拉广告。影片展示了他的对叙事广告的制作能力。

Paul Meyers ASC
Paul Meyers, ASC is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.