
Bombay Sapphire - Imagination to Reality (GMUNK)

2019年09月22日 22:09
blue, blue, electric blue ...
This film is an ode to creativity. It portrays the creative journey of an artist in abstract fashion.
A surreal mixed media adventure featuring GMUNK.
Check out the Making Of: behance.net/gallery/85842159/Imagination-to-Reality
Director: Raphael Vangelis
Production Company: Friend London & Man vs Machine
Executive Producer: Luke Jacobs
Producer: Nicole Powell
Talent: Amber Cowan, Maud Vantours, Bradley Grosh
Director of Photography: Tony C. Miller
Production Company Designer: Sean Hogan
Designer: Jeff Thomson, Brendi LW
Stop Motion Animator: Ignas Meilunas
Post-Production Company: The Mill
Editor: Chris Roebuck (tenthree)
Music & Sound Design: Resonate
Creative Agency: AMV BBDO
Client: Bombay Sapphire
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