
晴天小浩 的关注

2021-09-16 18:59:14

Unit+Sofa is a production service company based in Prague, filming across the Czech Republic and neighbouring Austria, Germany and Slovakia. It was founded from a union in 2009 by Fady Salame and Martin Sobotka of Sofa, Filip Hejduk and Jitka Fridrichova of Unit Pictures. The company is dedicated to facilitating production to the highest standard for directors from all across the world, and is proud to partner with companies including Sonny, MJZ, Smuggler, Somesuch, Pretty Bird, Corner Shop, Knuckle Head, Rattling Stick, Academy, Anonymous Content, Reset, Independent, Epoch, 75, Iconoclast, TPF, Soup Films… and many more partners and friends. The company has succeeded in nurturing the best of local Czech talent providing HODs and master technicians across all departments, who bring a perfecting standard as well as an invaluable local insight. Unit+Sofa continues to maintain the highest standards in its production output for directors whilst working with producers to deliver the very best value for money in Europe’s best film center.

苹果 Apple
苹果 Apple
2021-09-15 16:10:42

苹果公司创立之初,主要开发和销售的个人电脑,截至2014年致力于设计、开发和销售消费电子、计算机软件、在线服务和个人计算机。苹果的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。该公司硬件产品主要是Mac电脑系列、iPod媒体播放器、iPhone智能手机和iPad平板电脑;在线服务包括iCloud、iTunes Store和App Store;消费软件包括OS X和iOS操作系统、iTunes多媒体浏览器、Safari网络浏览器,还有iLife和iWork创意和生产力套件。苹果公司在高科技企业中以创新而闻名世界。

泰格豪雅TAG Heuer
泰格豪雅TAG Heuer
2021-09-13 19:51:57

TAG Heuer自1860年创立以来,一直被誉为瑞士前卫精准制表典范,隶属于全球最大的奢侈品集团——路威酩轩集团(LVMH),是全球奢侈腕表销量前五的腕表品牌。.

2021-09-07 12:31:33

FoxDevil Films
FoxDevil Films
2021-09-07 12:14:50

We are a production company based in Berlin and Hamburg. We want to show you all the good stuff our friends and we are doing. We are also very proud in representing our partners and their directors from Rattling Stick and B-Reel in Germany exclusively. We are really looking forward doing great stuff.

Kim Gehrig
Kim Gehrig
2021-09-06 19:59:38

Kim Gehrig is a director. Australian born, London based. She brings a refreshing combination of honesty and wit to her work. She has made her name in commercials and music videos winning awards including Cannes Lions, D&AD pencils, BTAA arrows and a UKMVA music video award. Her background includes studying at Central St Martins and working at Mother.

NYF 纽约广告节
NYF 纽约广告节
2021-09-06 16:41:09

纽约广告节也叫美国"纽约节"(New York Festivals,NYF),是当今世界三大广告节之一,创立于1957年。它是由国际奖项集团(the International Awards Group,IAG)公司负责运作和管理,国际奖项集团成立于1957年,它所评选出的作品被认为是各自领域的“世界最佳作品”。纽约广告节宗旨是为那些在传播、广播、营销及媒体等领域深深打动并征服了全球观众的人们授予殊荣。

Kode Media
Kode Media
2021-08-16 19:40:41

We are Kode, an award-winning video production company based in London. kodemedia.com info@kodemedia.com

2021-08-16 11:00:58

A global video channel screening the best in culture. Follow for daily videos across Art & Design, Fashion & Beauty, Music, Culture, and Food & Travel. Subtitles available in up to 10 languages. Want to get in touch with NOWNESS? Please email your submissions, enquiries and ideas to editorial@editors.nowness.com. All submissions must be unseen and sent via a private link.

gareth bell
gareth bell
2021-08-05 19:20:05