
Mil 的关注

2023-03-01 14:00:10

multimedia design studio in moscow

2023-01-31 14:37:39

沈煜傑导演原名沈涌,圈里的人都爱叫他“帅导”。其被业界誉为内地广告圈最会讲故事的广告导演。毕业于上海戏剧学院导演系的他最擅长拍摄情感类和剧情类的广告片,他拍摄的百分之九十的影片都是坚持自己创作。代表作有独立电影《话梅糖》、剧情短片《风回路》、玄幻系列电影《猎灵师》、2016年CCTV春晚公益广告片《父亲的旅程》、可口可乐里约奥运宣传片《此刻是金》、NIVEA 品牌广告微电影《我和你》、五月花品牌广告片《五月花时间陪妈妈》等。所获殊荣有《风回路》入选2015年戛纳国际电影节短片角映单元,《话梅糖》荣获第六届G客盛典原创视频大赛最佳剧情奖。广告短片《牵手》荣获中国广告长城奖微电影金奖。

2022-10-27 13:25:56

MG studio / 潮流、时尚、艺术概念性影片 广告服务。我们拥有一支涉足潮流领域的专业创意团队,年轻而富有创意,凭着敏锐的潮流触觉,优秀的创意 为客户创造着新形象;独特的视觉体验。

2022-10-27 13:22:57

Bafic. is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

匡威 Converse
匡威 Converse
2022-10-27 13:16:49

Converse(匡威)诞生于1908年。创办以来Converse坚持品牌的独立性设计,不追随。最初只生产“橡胶鞋”,但很快就开始做网球和篮球鞋。匡威全球总部正式落地美国波士顿。集复古、流行、环保于一身的ALL STAR帆布鞋,是美国文化的精神象征,以其随心所欲,自由自在没有约束的穿着形态,更成为追求自我时尚的青年人的忠实拍档。

Alan Masferrer
Alan Masferrer
2022-07-18 20:47:48

Enjoy the ride. alanmasferrer.com alanmasferrer@gmail.com

2022-07-18 20:36:12

Subframe is a design and motion driven production company founded by individuals with diverse talents and backgrounds. We are collaborating with some of the worlds top brands and agencies. We create progressive and effective visual communication for a wide audience.  We really love to make things move, also design and direct concept arts, visual effects, and always looking for something better and fresh. 

2022-04-20 19:01:33

SNASK is a Brand, Design and Film agency situated in the heart of Stockholm. Our work is frequently internationally referenced and results in brand platforms, graphic identities, short films, handmade photo installations, communication strategies, design manuals, stop motions, TV commercials and carefully crafted corporate love-stories. WE KNOW that great Brands are much like great friends. They have plenty of obvious and confusing personality traits; a ruck-sack with mesmerizing stories that you can’t stop listening to, a cute butt, shortcomings, a secret past, a weird fringe and a giggling Friday night laugh. WE PROMISE to help your Brand to become that charming, persuasive and mind-blowing friend impossible to resist, a smooth-talker and an eloquent storyteller, with plenty of friends, a secret lover and unavoidable enemies. Making enemies ultimately means that your Brand also has devoted fans ready to die in battle for you and your beliefs. Believing is inspiring, and what inspires attracts. You heard us: making enemies is good! It has actually never been as important to make enemies as in 2011.

Alter Ego Inc
Alter Ego Inc
2022-04-20 18:51:21

Alter Ego leads the way in film grading and compositing in the high-end Canadian marketplace, combining decades of collective experience with the latest in non-linear digital technology. We offer a complete range of post resources & services including VFX & onset supervision, SD, HD, 2K, 4K digital work flow management, file based or tape finishing, film scanning services, colour grading, FLAME online/effects, After Effects, 3D animation, matte painting, screening theatre with 14 foot screen and spacious client suites. The alter ego color grading suites and theatre are equipped with the very latest in colour correction technology featuring the Baselight advanced colour correction systems. Our award winning color and online teams bring a worldly flair to the table, taking on national and international commercial and motion picture projects.

2022-04-20 18:31:52

We’re Blink - an award-winning British commercial and music video production company based in London. Bob Lawrie and James Studholme set up shop in 1985 with the vision of creating an animation studio with an unconventional approach. Since then, we've has evolved into a multi-disciplinary production company with animation, design and film craft sewn into it's DNA. Over the years we’ve gained a reputation for discovering and fostering new creative talent, and proudly launched the careers of many acclaimed directors. We’ve worked hard to become one of the most respected names in commercial production, known for producing innovative, beautifully crafted and intelligent work.