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2022-05-14 14:01:59

Designer, visionary, artist, Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel reinvented fashion by transcending its conventions, creating an uncomplicated luxury that changed women's lives forever. She followed no rules, epitomizing the very modern values of freedom, passion and feminine elegance. "Fashion passes, style remains..." This simple statement captures the essence of her revolutionary contribution to culture. CHANEL continues, after almost a century, to inspire women of all ages all over the world with its timeless modernity. From the little black dress to the tweed suit, the quilted handbag to the two-tone shoe and camellia brooch, the perfect red lipstick and the world's best-selling fragrance N°5, the list of CHANEL's innovations is unparalleled. CHANEL has continued this glorious heritage of creation, playing fearlessly with Coco's radical legacy, offering a vision for the future of the House that is as memorable as its past.

Solve Sundsbo
Solve Sundsbo
2022-05-14 13:55:40

Norwegian fashion photographer and filmmaker Sølve Sundsbø infuses his imagery with sharp, otherworldly concepts and experimental techniques, including x-rays, 3-D printing, and pyrotechnic and smoke effects. He arrived in London in 1995 to pursue a short course in photography at the London College of Printing and became a photography assistant for acclaimed experimental imagemaker Nick Knight .

That pivotal role and Knight’s mentorship, which spanned four years, helped Sundsbø become a highly decorated fashion photographer in his own right. Voted best newcomer at the International Festival of Fashion in Hyeres, France, in 1999, his editorials have also featured in publications like Love magazine, i-D, Vogue China, Interview, Numéro, and Dazed & Confused. His advertising campaign clients include Gucci, Chanel, Hermès, H&M, and Yves Saint Laurent .

He has also branched out into filmmaking, having directed short films for Nike, SHOWstudio, and Alexander McQueen, notably setting model Eva Herzigova on fire for the Florence Biennale. Although his works appear digitally altered, owing to the frequent use of trompe l’oeil and dramatic colouring through manipulation light, movement, and water, Sundsbø is actually employs many “old-fashioned techniques” and prefers considered snaps to a ‘shoot now, fix later’ mentality. 

日产 Nissan
日产 Nissan
2022-05-14 13:26:41

日产(NISSAN ),是日本的一家汽车制造商,由鲇川义介(Aikawa Yoshisuke)于1933年在神奈川县横滨市成立,目前在二十个国家和地区(包括日本)设有汽车制造基地,并在全球160多个国家和地区提供产品和服务。

雷克萨斯 LEXUS
雷克萨斯 LEXUS
2022-05-09 18:53:12

雷克萨斯(LEXUS)是日本丰田集团旗下全球著名豪华汽车品牌。创立于1983年,仅仅用了十几年的时间,在北美便超过了奔驰、宝马的销量。1999年起至今,其连续位居北美豪华汽车销量第一的宝座。雷克萨斯(英语:Lexus,日语:レクサス)是日本丰田汽车旗下于北美、欧洲、亚洲、中东、拉丁美洲、非洲、大洋洲等地销售的独立高级轿车品牌。2005年,雷克萨斯打入日本本土市场,成为在全球均有销售的高级轿车品牌。初时雷克萨斯在美国国内以“热切追求完美”(The Passionate Pursuit of Perfection)作为宣传口号,后来以“追求完美”(The Pursuit of Perfection)作为在全球国家和地区的行销格言,直到2013年,其宣传口号改为Amazing in Motion。

宝马 BMW
宝马 BMW
2022-05-09 18:04:42

宝马(BMW)是享誉世界的豪华汽车品牌。宝马的车系有1、2、3、4、5、6、7、i、X、Z等几个系列,还有在各系基础上进行改进的M系(宝马官方的高性能改装部门)。 宝马公司创建于1916年,总部设在德国慕尼黑。BMW的蓝白标志宝马总部所在地巴伐利亚州州旗的颜色。百年来,宝马汽车由最初的一家飞机引擎生产厂发展成为以高级轿车为主导,并生产享誉全球的飞机引擎、越野车和摩托车的企业集团,名列世界汽车公司前列。宝马也被译为“巴依尔”。

奥迪 Audi
奥迪 Audi
2022-05-09 17:48:05


林肯 Lincoln
林肯 Lincoln
2022-05-09 17:18:27

美国著名汽车企业福特公司旗下的一个豪华车品牌,创立于1917年,创始人为亨利·利兰。其品牌名称是以美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯的名字命名。自1939年美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福以来,由于林肯车杰出的性能、典雅的造型和无与伦比的舒适一直被白宫选为总统专车。它最"出名"的一款车是肯尼迪总统乘用的检阅车。林肯品牌著名的产品有:MKC、MKZ、"大陆"(Continental)、"马克八世(MarkⅧ)、"城市"(TownCar)和"领航员" (Navigator)等在中国使用的林肯轿车多为"城市"系列。