云信 Vincent Chow1973年出生。毕业于香港电影导演会和香港中文大学电影学院。1994年开始,便投身于电影制作行业,并且在香港最著名广告制作公司工作。 从1999年开始,他已替各大知名品牌玉兰油、可口可乐、黑人牙膏、麦当劳、佳能相机等任美术指导。亦曾担任徐克导演的电影美术指导,跨过从事15年的美术指导工作,在2010年,他开始拓展了导演工作。几年间,他的导演作品包括很多国际性品牌:汇丰银行、潘婷洗发水、SAMSUNG、新世界地产、华为和revlon等。 2013年 他更首次指导独立电影《救赎》,更把它带进香港国际电影节国际短片赛单元和独立短片及录像节,此片还迅速吸引了香港和台湾的影评人注意。 云信导演热爱电影拍摄并喜欢透过镜头说出动人故事,他会热情投入和认真对待每个拍摄项目与细节,并注入独特的视觉美学风格。他并期待着每次的合作机会,创作更多令人兴奋和动人的作品。 Born in 1973. After graduating from Film School in Hong Kong Films Director Guilds and Professional Film Making in Hong Kong Chinese University. He got his start in Film Production Industry in 1994.In 1999, he has been involved in Film Art Direction. As an Art Director spanning over 15 years, he has the opportunity to work on a lot of leading global brands. Vincent has launched his directing career in 2010. In a short period of time, his director works has been included HSBC, Pantene, Samsung, Huawei, Revlon and many others.In 2013, he directed his first Short Film "ATONEMENT", and bring it into the Independent Short Film Awards and International Film Festival Short Film Competition. This film also quickly attracted Hong Kong and Taiwan critics attention.Vincent brings his passion and unique style to each projects. He loves the collaborative process of shooting and looks forward to opportunities to create lots of exciting and beautiful works.