
IverMing 的关注

2022-07-03 15:00:21

三星是韩国的知名公司之一,是韩国最大的企业集团三星集团的简称,该集团包括44个下属公司及若干其他法人机构,成长为“世界最受尊敬企业”企业之一的三星在全世界68个国家拥有429个据点23万员工,业务涉及电子、金融、机械、化学等众多领域。 三星集团成立于1938年,公司最初主要出口朝鲜南半岛的鱼干、蔬菜和水果,逐步扩展为制糖、制药、纺织等制造业,并确立为家族制企业。三星电子是旗下最大的子公司,是全球第二大手机生产商、全球营收最大的电子企业。

Cartello Directors
Cartello Directors
2022-05-01 03:39:05

Cartello Directors, owner driven by Anna Mira D’Ercole,is reputed to have one of the best little black books in the business. Anna, with her Italian aesthetic and knowledge of art, cinema and photography, combined with solid on set experience brings an inspired and personal slant. She ensures that the right director is proposed for every project. Based between Cape Town and Milan, Cartello represents a select group of directors. Years of working globally has provided an advantage of an international work base, a multi-cultural understanding and broad knowledge of the industry. It has also allowed Anna and her production team to expand its map of allied directors and gain a comprehensive list of relevant international crew. Trust and experience is part of its cosmopolitan mind-set. Close relationships and an understanding of every director represented is part of the company ethos so is working closely with the production company involved. At Cartello Directors, it is understood that different markets have different needs. So does every project. A client may wish Cartello to follow a job from briefing to pre-production or take a job all the way to post production. This niche outfit will not only provide you with creative and passionate directors, but with production support and value for every chosen director.

michael sewandono
michael sewandono
2022-05-01 03:35:59

2022-05-01 03:21:06