Fei Zou is an excellent Chinese Motion Picture film and Commercial director. Zou Fei has strong storytelling ability. His works showed distinctive personal style and has enjoyed working on a broad range of projects from TVC's, MV and corporates. He is a well respected skilled creator and enjoys images and footages to a high standard. Fei Zou is excellent at capturing the essence of a director’s vision in an artistic and economical fashion. Production’s comment that his beautifully lit frames, easy going personality and sensitivity are an asset to any project. He is a great communicator able to interact with people from all walks of life.

卡萨帝 Casarte

思维决定行为的伟大,我一直相信好的影片可以改变别人的看法;好的故事,可以引起情感共鸣;好的创意可以推动时代进步的发展!10年广告经验,在丝路视觉任职总导演,拥有丰富的创作经验,曾参加香港HKSC专业电影协会. Weixin: Uyi868

O FIVE是上海一家致力于影视电影电视剧后期制作,广告制作,宣传片制作及二三维动画创作。13年来积累了丰富的策划制作经验,成功地为客户量身打造了一系列的广告、TVC及新媒体视频创作、合成特效制作、数码剪接、录音混音及电脑动画、游戏特效等。 商业合作 Josen Wu E:josenwu.of@foxmail.com M:18621816852

北京微影时代文化传媒有限公司,拥有一支视角独特,技术精湛,思维超前的影视制作团队;专业级高清数字影视拍摄设备,全数字非线后期编辑设备及影视编剧,导演,后期剪辑包装团队。专注于电视综艺节目、数字电影、广告宣传片、纪录片策划制作,着力打造当下具有深厚文化内涵的影视作品。公司团队秉持工作严谨务实 、专业水平扎实过硬、作品内容精益求精的理念在业内树立良好形象。

Andreas Nilsson
Andreas Nilsson is an artist and director based in Malmö, Sweden, best known for his contributions to the music videos of 2 Chainz, The Knife, Fever Ray, MGMT, Goldfrapp, José González, White Lies, Peter, Björn & John, Moby and Bright Eyes.