导演 | 美国, 纽约
姓名:Brennan Stasiewicz 常驻地区:纽约、斯德哥尔摩 合作品牌:星巴克、西南航空、英菲尼迪、谷歌、雪佛兰、凯迪拉克、丰田、林肯、必应等 擅长拍摄类型:网络科技、汽车、视频饮料等 拍摄风格:人物刻画、时尚、城市风光等 导演团队:GO EAST FILMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brennan Stasiewicz主要在纽约和斯德哥尔摩工作。在MTV On-Air Promos担任编剧和导演是他职业生涯的开端,在那之后不久,他开始为更多的客户执导商业广告和故事片。 Brennan专注于通过画面讲述故事以及挖掘人物的内心,并且能够运用介于严肃的纪录片拍摄手法和高度剧本化风格之间的戏剧化空间来让观众产生共鸣。 Brennan认为,每部作品都有自己独特的视角和拍摄手法,这样才能让人产生共鸣,而他的目标就是正确地将它们运用在他为广告代理商创作的故事之中。 Brennan Stasiewicz is a New York and Stockholm based filmmaker. He began his career at MTV On-Air Promos as a writer/director, and shortly after, he moved on to directing both commercial and narrative projects for a wide range of clients. He focuses on visual storytelling and character explorations that strike a chord in the viewer, using the cinematic spaces between elevated, documentary-style shooting and the highly controlled world of scripted content. Brennan believes that each project requires its own set of tools and perspectives to create something resonant, and his goal is to always apply them correctly to the stories he creates with agencies.
Stasiewicz is an extremely filmic, visual storyteller and creative collaborator whose work walks the line between the dramatic and the humorous. His commercial work includes directing for clients such as American Airlines, Cadillac, Samsung, Jim Beam, Toyota and Lincoln.
“Brennan has a fantastic ability to connect audiences with honest moments, be they dramatic, humorous or both,” said Mal Ward, Managing Director, Arts & Sciences. “His strong visual style and ability to craft emotionally resonate non-fiction or dramatic stories is what really drew us to him.”
Stasiewicz is also an accomplished filmmaker with a number of stylized short non-fiction and fiction films under his belt. His most recent film, the short documentary A Beholden Purpose, looks into the conceptual process of painter Brad Kunkle, who mixes oil painting with gold and silver leaf to create images of women often in states of transcendence, while exploring the idea of purpose and female symbolism in our contemporary world.
“I want to experience the world clearly and honestly and in the moment without distraction; that’s when I’m most alive, and I want to feel that moment in my bones — total connection,” said Stasiewicz. “If I can transfer even a fraction of that feeling, that connection and clarity into my work, then I think I’m doing my part well.”
Stasiewicz started his career as a promo writer for MTV where he learned the craft of filmmaking and started directing. From there he moved on to the world of commercials. He’s directed actors including Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Emma Stone and Jason Sudeikis, and musicians including Weezer, Kid Rock, Ne-Yo and Aesop Rock. Stasiewicz is based in New York and Stockholm.