
Erpan 、 的关注

2018-04-24 23:47:08

雅诗兰黛是美国雅诗兰黛公司旗下的化妆品旗舰品牌,以抗衰修护护肤品闻名。雅诗兰黛公司是全球领先的大型生产商和销售商。1946年雅诗兰黛公司成立于美国纽约,拥有护肤品品牌Clinique(倩碧)、La Mer(海蓝之谜)、LAB SERIES(朗仕)、Prescriptives、Origins(悦木之源),以及化妆品品牌Bobbi Brown、M·A·C,和男性香水品牌Aramis等等,同时,该公司也为7大美国顶级时装品牌,比如Donna Karan、Michael Kors等进行香水的贴牌生产。

Dirk Meister
Dirk Meister
2018-04-16 00:49:13

Dirk is a director intrigued by visual storytelling. He creates worlds by setting a strong mood and making the story play in a visually important and well defined environments.

Dirk feels at home in live action and CG - as a former visual effects supervisor he has an intimate first-hand knowledge about the whole pipeline.
This proves to be very useful in many situations, from planning and budgeting to on-set supervising and final artistic post-supervision.

He directs TVCs and corporate films and handles the effects and post with his international team or local post-houses.