
小白 的关注

2018-07-24 17:45:07

「https://www.maureenli.com/」 黎宣廷,曾在廣告公司擔任創意,曾得過時報金像獎,4AAAA獎項,之後於紐約School of Visual Arts念電影,主修導演。第一年的在學電影作品 就獲得金穗獎佳作,被邀請參展女性電影節,台北電影節入圍作品,完成第二部劇情短片。 開始執導MV, 廣告片。第一支音樂錄影帶就得到金曲獎佳作。之後執導近千部廣告作品。得獎無數,包括法國坎城廣告獎,時報廣告獎,4AAAA廣 告獎,日本電通賞,香港廣告獎,華文廣告獎等。目前正在進行劇本創作及電 影長片前製,同時繼續執導台灣,香港,中國, 日本,美國...等地區的廣告片。 Maureen Li was educated in the USA and brings her keen artistic eye and know-how to all projects she is involved with. As a creative director for many years, she has garnered much positive attention and was awarded Gold & Silver Awards in 4A advertising. She has a wealth of experience in designing, supervising and producing projects from concept to completion. Maureen majored in Film at the New York, School of Visual Arts. She then went on to become adept at taking on projects that have very particular and unique visions. The films she directs always show her innate artistic sense and she has a way of seamlessly combining new and classic visual styles resulting in engaging productions which complement the core ideas of the projects. Maureen has a list of copious awards that she has received so far over her career. She was also a finalist for an award in the Entertainment & Leisure category at the Cannes Lions Film Festival in 2005. Some of Maureen’s clients are the following: Sony, ACER, LOREAL PARIS, Johnson&Johnson, SK II, Neutrogena, AVON, Biore, Essential, ASIENCE, Motorola, Johnny Walker, Singleton, Hyundai Automotive, 7-11 City Cafe, Wrangler Jeans, NIKON, Lipton, Nescafe, Far East Telecom, China Telecom, Toyota, Wacoal, Keywear, KanS, Homtai Life Insurance, TransGlobe Life Insurance, Taishin International Bank , Wei Chuan, BO life, Uni-President , SGMW, Mode Manie, etc. Awards & Recognition: 2005法國坎城廣告獎 佳作 CANNES LIONS FILM WINNERS 2005 Entertainment & Leisure. Finalists 12屆香港十大廣告 2011 日本電通賞 銀奬 2009 時報廣告金像獎 銀 2008 時報廣告金像獎 銅 2008, 2005 4A 廣告金獎 2005 時報廣告金像獎 金 2005 時報世界華文廣告金像獎 銀 2002-2005時報廣告銀銅 4A廣告銀銅.佳作.金曲獎最佳音樂錄影帶 2002 龍璽廣告獎 佳作 22屆金穗獎最佳劇情錄影帶佳作 1999台北電影節入圍競賽影片