Amigo Total Showreel 2020

2020年06月17日 14:06
Hey Amigos! Come check out 1 min of WTF*ness & Total excitement. Promise you won’t regret it: it’ll be THE minute of your lives! Play the DVD and embrace the chaos :-)
WARNING! The content of this video shows NSFW images & viewers may experience rare yet possible side effects such as Spiritual Coma and OMG-Faint.
Following our groovy, impish, cheeky signature style, we’ve prepared this wild showreel compilation reviewing Amigo Total’s 8 years of groundbreaking work. Our versatility expands from collaborating with public institutions like Teatre Lliure & Ajuntament de BCN or leading-edge festivals such as Sónar, OFFF, IAM, Lovie & Mira, to working with big international brands as Nissan, Pull&Bear, Diesel, MTV or Mercedes Benz.
Stay close to keep delving with us into the most innovative digital aesthetics that the limitless Internet world still has to disclose. The eyes Amigo, they never lie. ;-)
