
WE ARE ALL MAD HERE (Or: How Nick Fouquet blends into The Mad Hatter)

2013年10月07日 10:10
In this modern and realistic transposition of one of the best-known characters from Lewis Carroll's novel, Nick Fouquet plays himself: an American hatter. The backdrop changes from Wonderland into Venice Beach – California; the “madness" of its protagonist changes as he tells his own story, that of his ethics, his work, his lifestyle and his inspiration in an interview where his off-screen voice unleashes a maelstrom of thoughts.
Directed by Bruno Miotto
Written by Bruno Miotto and Giorgio Fabbri
Cinematography by Benjamin Kitchens
Producer Guja Quaranta
Line Producer Meagan Judkins
Sponsor HOGAN REBEL hoganrebel.com/
Original Score "Have I Gone Mad?" composed by Alberto Bof - MKRS Publishing
Production Designer Erika Ann Walters
Editor Bruno MIotto
Colorist Chris Hall at Prehistoric Digital - prehistoricdigital.com/
Stylist Meagan Judkins
Mua/Hair Hannah Biddle
Sound Diego Tovar
AC Jasper Granderath
Graphic Designer Letizia Bozzolini

Alice: Sharon Hinnendael
Twins: Odelia Samuels and Ornela Samuels
Kids: Philips Banuelos, Yanshree Hotchandani, Brooke Krufal, Matthew Turner, Jacob Zelonky
White Rabbit: Bao Bao
Special Thanks: Will Adashek
"No animals were harmed in making this film, only humans."
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