
Kettle Brand Chips "Flavor Frontier"

2019年03月22日 14:03
"We're on a voyage to the flavor frontier..."
Here is one of 2 TV spot I designed and directed for Kettle Chip. This is the 15 second commercial, the 30 second one "Borrowed Van" can be seen here: vimeo.com/325841178
Client - Kettle Chips
Production Company - Passion Pictures
Director - Andy Martin
Exec Producer - Kitty Turley
Animation Producer - Matt Saxton
Design - Andy Martin
Storyboard - Barry Reynolds
Lead Animator - Hannah Lau Walker
Animators - Setareh Seto, Campbell Hartley, Matt Lloyd, Chris Cray, Frankie Swan
Animation Assistants - Ned Mackness, Jamie Hobbs, Oscar Barany, Sacha Beeley, Eloise Garlick, Ed Smith
Compositors - John Taylor, Johnny Stills
Agency - Y&R NY
Agency Exec Producer - Fred Slobodin
Creatives - Molly Runge, Gretchen Menter
Account Director - Eric Glickman
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