
Yamaha EZ-300 Overview Video

2020年11月09日 08:11
Yamaha EZ-300

This wonderful keyboard instrument featuring lighting keys is enormous fun—even from the first time you play it—
and helps you improve your musical skills easily and naturally.
Stylish and comprehensive, it allows you to practice, play and perform with a variety of lesson functions and authentic instrument sounds.
- Convenient Light Guide function shows you which notes to play with lighting keys
- A total of 202 built-in demo songs, including popular and famous songs, as well as pieces for study
- Authentic and natural instrument Voices—622 in total—including actual samples of a grand piano
- Variety of useful functions, including 205 dynamic automatic accompaniment Styles that power your performance
- Song expansion feature that lets you play and practice your favorites
- Elegant white-color finish that enhances any interior
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