

2015年06月03日 19:06
"Emergency breaking news to address the world……"
Alfons "Ganjaman"
Director: Casper Balslev
DOP: Niels Thastum
Executive Producer: Thor Brammer Jacobsen
Editor: Nicolaj Monberg
Producer: Line Sander Egede
Production Coordinator: Camilla Rotheisen
Casting: Pernille Kaae Høier & Amalie Lindegård
Production Assistant: Ida Kader
Production Designer: Nanna Rosenfeldt-Olsen
Gaffer: Martin Riello
1st AD: Ves Møller Rasmussen
Stylist: Anne Werner
Make-Up: Mette Munch
Sound Engineer: Kevin Koch
Sound Designer: Kevin Koch
Focus Puller: Linda Laage
Best Boy: Niclas Fusager
Prop Assistent: Frederik Bruhn
Location Manager: Morten Lundrup
Production Company - New Land Film
Commissioner: Nils Wester Litens
Main cast:
Benjamin Kitter
Katrine Greis-Rosenthal
Noah Benjamin Astor
Emilie Sejr Petersen
Ian Burns
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