
Gaian 2012 - Official Trailer

2013年02月22日 13:02
What a pleasure to work with a bunch of focused artists that are always looking out to create something wonderful and new. In this case, Fredrik Ekholm, Steffen Knoesgaard and Linus Lundin joined forces with Svep.tv again to bring the official trailer for gaian.me to life.
When they asked me to do the music and sound design, how could I say no?

Read more about the project at Gaian.me Process and inspiration: behance.net/gallery/Gaianme-Official-trailer-2012/5100725

Design & Direction: Fredrik Ekholm and Steffen Knoesgaard
Character Design: Linus Lundin
Production: Svep.tv
Music & Sound Design: Audionerve
Gaian.me Curator: Marius Bauer
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