

2020年07月15日 12:07 ·
Unloading is a short film,completed by personal research and development. Its source is a poster. At that time, the Beijing design team needed a poster to recruit 3d designers. I tried to integrate the modules of modeling, lighting, rendering, and animation in this poster, and put the image that best symbolizes the future-astronauts in the middle of the sky to express everyone ’s longing for the future, and The ability required by the recruit.
After the poster was completed, I thought by chance that I could use astronauts, clock (past and future), and choose to make a very experimental
short film.
The concept that came to mind at the time was only a sentence of Nike's slogan, Yesterday you said tomorrow. Next, try to convey each of us in the form of a very stream of consciousness. We should not be subject to the past people, things, spaces, etc., but we can always be curious, passionate, and persistent to explore from an unknown distance. So there is, the image setting of the clock (semicircle, from yesterday to today) / subway / cage / planet continent. The whole story is controlled from the beginning, and is required to go to a distant place that looks very large, flashing back, entangled in the cage and experience of the past, and finally awakened to get rid of control and move towards freedom. Also extended to think of a proposition, be man or be machine?
Be a person, a person who has independent thinking, grasps his own destiny, and has subjective initiative; be machine, make screws on a huge machine, and repeat the same work every day until it is replaced by ai.
The short film was finally applied to the official MEUX as a concept promotion
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