
H5NX Logo ident

2014年04月22日 15:04
Making of: vimeo.com/fromform/makingof-h5nx
In 2012, Firma Film and From Form joined forces to design and build a logo ident for TV format and production company H5NX.
With an old darkened factory hall as our playground, we transformed the typography of H5NX into 4 luminous structures. 300 test tubes, tonic and black light became a giant 'H', while a 10 feet tall illuminated grid formed a pixelated five.
The catch of the concept lays in the position and sizes of these giant characters; the logo only shows itself when viewed from one particular point-of-view.
Production: Firma Film, From Form
Concept, design and direction: Rik van der Linden, Jurjen Versteeg
Technical executives: Peter van der Werve, Ashley Govers and Jurjen Versteeg
Editor in chief: Roeland de Bruïne
Music and sound design: Echoic
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