
Henry Ponder's Home Poems presents Shower

2020年05月07日 02:05
Home Poems are very short films featuring very short poems by Henry Ponder about things we can all enjoy inside our homes.⁣
‘Shower’ is a poem about getting wet.⁣

We wrote a bunch of music to help put into films the poems of Henry Ponder.
It was a real pleasure to collaborate with this great team.
The ten films were produced in the homes of Naresh Ramchandani and friends. They were selected in Naresh's team's homes. They were nearly all shot in the home of director Steven Qua – with Oscar-winning guest director Kevin Macdonald lending a hand by shooting 'Stairs' in his home. ⁣

Yuri Suzuki and JeanGa created the music in their homes. Iain Grant mixed the sound in his home. And the poems were kindly voiced by the poet Henry Ponder in his home.⁣
We're only presenting a couple of these poems, but they're all equally delightful. If you're having trouble finding them, do get in touch...
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