
FAO - #MountainsMatter

2018年12月10日 14:12
Mountains are under threat from climate change in unprecedented way. Environmental pollution, natural disasters, and unsustainable practices are reducing biodiversity in mountains and increasing the vulnerability of mountain peoples. We need to raise awareness of the importance of mountains and the vital role they play for all of us, and to promote action for their sustainable development.
Mountains cover 22 percent of the world’s land surface and are home to roughly 13 percent of the world’s population. We all depend on mountains, for freshwater, agrobiodiversity, clean energy, timber and medicinal plants. Yet mountains are under threat from climate change in unprecedented way. Environmental pollution, natural disasters, and unsustainable practices are reducing biodiversity in mountains and increasing the vulnerability of mountain peoples. We need to raise awareness of the importance of mountains and the vital role they play for all of us, and to promote action for their sustainable development.
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