
Princess (trailer) | LAFF20 Fashion Film

2020年04月14日 22:04
LAFF 2020 SUBMISSION: Michele Bizzi, Italy, Direction
Sandy thinks she's a monster and does not feel loved by anyone. The girl is tormented by nightmares of monstrous and beautiful people. She cannot open up to her therapist Mara in order to understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But in a moment between a dream, a magic spell and a great display of affection, Mara convinces Sandy to finally see herself for what she really is: a princess. Thus, Sandy will go out to face the real world and find out that a thousand possibilities are just around the corner: a boyfriend, a job in the fashion world.
A cultural initiative by kulturspace, LAFFF advocates for an open, creative and inclusive society. Submit at lafashionfilmfest.com/submit
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