

2020年03月25日 09:03
TVspot of Netflix's new drama "FOLLOWERS"
Was directed.
It has a configuration that has nothing to do with the main drama.
In the drama, new women with modern values appear.
TVspot is a pure expression of her values and an abstract representation of women in an era when they opened their way as a single person.
Music: Art Lindsay
vocal : Bjork's daughter
B.C2650 Merit Ptah # The first female doctor in human history
B.C1479 Hatshepsut # Crossdresser Pharaoh
1793 Olympe de Gouges # A world pioneer in the feminist movement
1850 Amelia Bloomer # Creator of female athletic wear bloomers
1889 Herminie Cadolle # Invent the bra
1901 Akiko Yosano # Published a novel about love that was disturbed in a conservative era
1934 Mary Quant # Launch of mini skirt
1975 Atsuko Tabei # First female climb to Everest
1978 Haru Kobayashi # Overcome discrimination and become a living national treasure
1991 Yumiko Araki #80-90s Tokyo Disco Qeen
2008 Sueko Nakamura # Former Motorcycle gang boss rehabilitating delinquent boys and girls
2012 Asuka Takita # Veterinarian protecting African elephant ivory
2020 Mika Ninagawa # Directing new women's Netflix drama
CD 尾形 真理子
P 麻生 峻司
Dir Sojiro Kamatani
Pm 尾島 隆
DOP 上野千蔵
1st AC 野上京孝
L 前島祐樹
Gaffer 小川有紀
Art 松本千広
書き割り、ネオン 河野未彩
ST 武久泰洋
H 佐藤知子
M 吉田なお
特殊衣装 江川悦子
ロボット 米塚尚史
music 冨永恵介 Arto Lindsay
offline 遠藤文仁
online 坂巻亜樹夫
CG 高野直樹
許諾 佐藤正子
動物プロ 北村 ZOOプロ
3DPRINT 阿井大輔
カラリスト Ben Conkey
特効 川口謙司
華道家 萩原亮大
助監督 コダマナギサ
キャスティング 中村裕之
特機 宇佐
ミキサー 佐藤雅之
SE 成田明人
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