
30DAE 08: Everybody Do The Predki!

2014年08月07日 19:08
Download Project File: schoolofmotion.com/tutorials/after-effects-animation-trick
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Day 8! Today I want to show you guys one of my go-to animation tricks (that I stole from somebody else’s bag of go-to animation tricks.)
Kyle Predki: vimeo.com/kylepredki
Kyle was an animator at Toil and I’d often see him animate things a certain way. It sort of became his “signature move” and I liked it so much I started trying to replicate it. Why should you care? Here’s why:
Sometimes you want to make the coolest piece ever… but many times you just need to GET IT DONE. When that’s the case, you don’t want to re-invent the wheel every time you open After Effects. You want to have some go-to moves that you can bust out without having to think about every little step involved.
Here’s one of my (stolen) tricks, but I’d love to see you guys create your own “signature moves” that you can re-use when you need a fast solution. What can you guys come up with?
Questions / Comments are welcome as always.
Thank you guys, make sure to check out the rest of the 30 Days of After Effects tutorials: schoolofmotion.com/30dae
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