
Cloth Studies for Rhapsody Tour

2020年03月04日 15:03
The Opera House staging of Queen's Rhapsody Tour needed some plush, elaborate drapes for the main stage and boxes. These needed to open in sections, both the main stage and the side screens (which functioned as boxes). The cloth needed to move as heavy, thick velvet would - no stretching, sharp bends and able to hold very precise shapes. It also needed to have a 'half-open' position, where the heavy drapes are suspended from ropes only revealing part of the stage.
Houdini's vellum cloth was used for all animations, it was totally robust, the setups were very customisable and the caching allowed for localised fixes to be applied post-simulation, where the rope & cloth became entangled.
The pre-rendered clips would play behind Notch rendered gold stage surrounds.
More details here:
Audio - 'Praise the Lord' by Arulo on MixKit:
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