
75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. "Objects/They were just like us"

2020年01月29日 18:01
We produced a film created for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation
Jacek Kulczycki
Screenplay: Maria Zalewska
Director: Tadeusz Śliwa
DOP: Michał Dąbal
1stAD: Michał Marzec
Executive Producer: Kuba Ranik
Production Manager: Michał Kowalczyk
Postproduction: ORKA
Sound Postproduction: Juice Sound / Kuba Pietrzak
Edit: Robert Gryka
Set Coordinator: Michał Przybysz
Production Designer: Dariusz Walaszczyk
Costume Designer: Małgorzata Karpiuk
MakeUp: Karolina Ryciak
Location Manager: Michał Mańka
Gaffer: Rafał Okyne
Focus Puller: Paweł Żelasko
Camera: Piotr Kozłowski
Video: Olaf Mocka
Loader: Robert Zygmuntowski
Grip: Edwin Wolski
FX: Piotr Krzyczmonik
Stagehands: Yellowóz
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