
Schön! presents | moon chang

2019年10月24日 16:10
Starting as a means to cope with and survive her near-death-experience and PTSD, Moon Chang‘s “Hybrid Beauty” brings out “tension and dualism between aesthetic and sense.”
At the heart of the New-York-based designer’s fashion lies an investigation of the inextricable interplay between beauty and ugliness, which she identifies as “an invaluable asset of [her] own visual and psychological vocabulary.” This duality ingeniously parallels her own very aesthetic. She proclaims that, while her “external side” is “black, dark, massive and oversized”, her “internal and hidden” side is “small and cute” and “loves pink.”
Putting our aesthetic judgment to the test and inviting us to look beyond what conventionally constitutes beauty and ugliness, “Hybrid Beauty” challenges and subverts boundaries. The collection, for instance, combining black with pink, adds new meanings to the former colour beyond death and the macabre. To reminisce her debut of “Hybrid Beauty” at New York Fashion Week, Schön! caught up with Moon Chang to discuss the concept behind her fashion collection, her PTSD, her creative inspiration and what she hopes for the future.
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