
Asahi Soft Drinks / Calpis® (Calpico) on Tap / Making

2019年06月21日 09:06
「カルピス® じゃぐち」施策は、ひなまつりを社会全体で子どもたちをお祝いしようという想いを込めて、Webサイトから子どもたちへのメッセージを送ると、1通のメッセージが1杯の「カルピス®」になって全国の子どもたちに届けられるというアクションです。
BIRDMANは「カルピス® じゃぐち」のUX設計・演出・実装/会話システムの開発/じゃぐちハードウェア設計/デザイン/Web制作を担当しました。全国各地の会場と都内のナレーターブースをつなぎ、リアルタイムで会話を実施。キャラクターの動きをリアルに感じてもらうため、フェイストラッキングでナレーターの目と口の動きを取得してキャラクターに反映させ、ゲームパッドでキャラアニメーションを操作しています。
CALPIS® (Calpico) celebrated their 100 anniversary by celebrating children with ’CALPIS® (Calpico) on Tap'! Since its birth 100 years ago, the cultured milk drink, CALPIS® (Calpico), has been loved for generations by the people of Japan, and its popularity only continues to grow. In the spring of 2019 they decided to organize a special event for Hinamatsuri, also called Doll’s Day or Girl’s Day, a special day in Japan, celebrated each year on March 3rd. The event took place from Feb. 22nd - March 3rd at Tokyo Dome City Attractions, an amusement park located next to the Tokyo Dome.
We built a special website where anyone can send sweet messages for kids, and those messages could be heard when the kids turned on the tap for a sweet cup of CALPIS® (Calpico) from the tap. They also get the chance to talk to the CALPIS® (Calpico) character in real-time!
BIRDMAN was in charge of developing the real time face recognition & tracking system, able to generate different facial expressions corresponding to the basic human emotions. We were also in charge of the message background operating system, website production, the CALPIS® (Calpico) character & wagon (artistic direction, hardware design & production, UX, installation).
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