
Josephine Hart Foundation - Death & Co by Sylvia Plath

2015年06月05日 13:06
Created to be projected in 360 degrees this is the third film that we produced for the launch of the Poetry Movement. The film is based on the poem by Sylvia Plath « Death & Co ». It’s directed by David Lobser and explore post-natal depression.
The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation was set up by Lord Saatchi to further the advancement of arts, culture and education, with a focus on poetry, literature and dramatic performance.
Through the Poetry Movement, The Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation wants to stand as the next logical step in terms of the way we consume verse. It will grow and develop into a creative space that encapsulates the beauty of imagination and inventiveness.
Client. Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation
Director of the Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation. Eleanor Carter
Creative Director of the Poetry Film Project. John-Paul Pryor
Production Company. TROUBLEMAKERS.tv
Director. David Lobser
Producer. James Hagger
Production Assistant. Felipe Bernard
3D Artist. Lily Fang
Dynamic Effects. Zachary Lewis
Sound Design & Music. Cypheraudio
Sound Design, Production & Mix. John Black
Voice Over. Harriet Walte
Two, of course there are two.
It seems perfectly natural now
The one who never looks up, whose eyes are lidded
And balled¸ like Blake's.
Who exhibits
The birthmarks that are his trademark
The scald scar of water,
The nude
Verdigris of the condor.
I am red meat. His beak
Claps sidewise: I am not his yet.
He tells me how badly I photograph.
He tells me how sweet
The babies look in their hospital
Icebox, a simple
Frill at the neck
Then the flutings of their Ionian
Then two little feet.
He does not smile or smoke.
The other does that
His hair long and plausive
Masturbating a glitter
He wants to be loved.
I do not stir.
The frost makes a flower,
The dew makes a star,
The dead bell,
The dead bell.
Somebody's done for.
Watch the 1st Film in the series (HIGH WINDOWS - A Poem by Philip Larkin)
Watch the 2nd Film in the series (THE WASTELAND - A Poem by T. S. Eliot)
Watch the film in 360° :
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