
Universe Expansion by Onur Senturk

2018年05月23日 17:05
A galaxy rethought by Onur Senturk. TROUBLEMAKERS.tv produced this film that takes us to the edge of the universe and marks a power through the dynamics of its animation as well as its colourful environment reflecting an explosive work.
Production Company: TROUBLEMAKERS.tv
Director. Onur Senturk
Producer: James Hagger
Production coordinator: Felipe Bernard
Production Assistant: Mathilde Siméon & Amel Djafer
Animation: Aline Hananel & Onur Senturk
Modeling: François Gris & Alexandre Scalvino
Houdini: Sebastian Kowalski
Compositing: Guillem Ramisa De Soto
Lighting & Renders: Alexandre Scalvino
Music & Sound design: ECHOLAB - Gavin Little
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