
Peloton: A Father's Day Story

2019年06月22日 01:06
Jon Beck and his wife Jordana Beck were expecting their second baby when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and their lives turned upside down. To be the father, partner, and person he wanted to be, Jon needed some support. He found it with Peloton.
Produced by: Dress Code (dresscodeny.com)
Director: Dan Covert
Executive Producer: Brad Edelstein
Head of Post Production & Operations: Tara Rose Stromberg
Head of Production: Amy Dempsey
Cinematography: Claudio Rietti
Edit: Dan Covert, Nick Stromberg
Color: Daniel Orentlicher
Music + Sound: YouTooCanWoo
Location Sound: Matteo Liberatore
Cast: Jonathan Beck, Jordana Beck, Emmy Beck, Ethan Beck
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