
Back up the Memories of Taipei

2015年12月29日 10:12
This promotion video is made by Bito for TNH Center (Taipei New Horizon Center), where recently established a traditional Chinese characters museum.
The main idea is to show different traditional Chinese characters, which were made before computerized fonts, on the journey of collecting various antiques in Taipei City to recall the “memories” of this city.
By using the classical composition style of well-known director ’Wes Anderson’ to show the particular aesthetic of order-of-chaos with collections.
Directed by Bito
Client: TNH Center
Creative Director: 劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Producer:龔茵 Elise Gong
Concept & Script:黃心怡 Vicki Huang、劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu、HOUTH
Props Design:HOUTH
Design:HOUTH, 李竺潔 Chu-Chieh Lee
Editing:李竺潔 Chu-Chieh Lee
Compositing:李竺潔 Chu-Chieh Lee
Color Correction:李竺潔 Chu-Chieh Lee
2D Animation:李竺潔 Chu-Chieh Lee
Music & Sound Design:三十而立 Sincerely Music
Assistance: 朱哲頡、李曼寧 Manning Lee、吳昱緯 Phil Wu
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