

2019年12月08日 15:12
2019 Golden Pin Design Award | DOOMSDAY
2019金點設計獎以聯合國17項全球永續發展目標 #SDGs17 作為關注的主軸,延續去年「自然知道」點出環境永續的理想,拓展更為宏觀的格局,希望設計師能從這些主題發揮正面的使命感,讓即將來臨的23:59,擺脫無能為力的沈重,成為值得圍繞在創新與共享的宏大盛宴。
The Golden Pin Design Award 2019 Grand Ceremony follows on from its previous year’s theme (Nature Knows) and supports the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to bring designers together and champion design for sustainability.
首度混用寫實報導風格和中文typography 和平面圖像,在嚴肅話題間延展有趣的討論空間。
It's the first time to mix news report and Chinese typography with graphic design to represents interesting discussion among juries in serious topics.
Directed by Bito
Client: 台灣創意設計中心 Taiwan Design Center
Creative Director:劉耕名 Keng-Ming Liu
Associate Art Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai
Producer : 劉妤暄 Tammy Liu
Ideation:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 黃心怡 Vicki Huang / 莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang
Storyboard:鄭楷 Kai Cheng / 蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang
Design:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 謝鎮璘 Chen-Lin Hsieh / 王璿甯 Hsuan-Nin Wang / 邵偉豪 Wei-Hao Shao
Editing:鄭楷 Kai Cheng
Animation:蔡易廷 Eating Tsai / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng
Filming Crew:
Director:鄭楷 Kai Cheng
Producer : 江函儒 Han-Ju Chiang
Assistant Producer:林妍欣 Freda Lin
Director of Photography:劉書銓 Shane Liu
Second Camera:鄭楷 Kai Cheng
Lighting : 許鈞筌 Chun-Chuan Hsu
Lighting Assistants:王彥傑 Yen-Chieh Wang / 羅煒 Wei Lo
Make Up:Ruby Ng
Boom Operator:猴子電男孩影藝有限公司 Monkey Boys Club
Interview Host:莊宜蓁 Jen Chuang / 鄭楷 Kai Cheng
Interviewee:Louisa Bocchietto / SPREAD / Tony Chi / 比爾賈Bill Chia / 阮慶岳Ching-Yueh Roan / 官政能 Cheng-Neng Kuan / 胡湘雲Jennifer Hu / 陳禧冠 Shikuan Chen / 鄒駿昇Page Tsou / 龔書章Shu-Chang Kung
Music & Sound Design : 韓承燁 Cheng-Yeh Han
Audio Mixing:傳翼錄音製作 Pixelfly Digital Sound
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