
BaianaSystem & Tropkillaz - SACI (remix)

2019年07月12日 19:07
Saci is a character of Brazilian folklore, which origin is totally linked to the country's miscegenation, with elements of the indigenous culture, black culture and also Christian religion. Difficult to be spotted, he is a young black man with a single leg who smokes a pipe and wears a red cap, which gives him magical powers. He likes to do little pranks that create domestic hardships and scare animals, travelers and children - i.e. making braids in the hair of the animals, disrupts the work of the cooks, causing them to burn food, and putting salt in the sugar containers.
I would like to say thank you for all my team in special Fabricio Marcão (the best "SACI" i ever met), Rubens Oliveira (@com.uns) for the incredible vibe, Mariah Valentina and all the cast, THANK YOU.
Realization - AKQA + CAVE
Hugo Veiga, Diego Machado, Renato Zandoná, Christiano Vellutini, Paula Santana, Yago Freitas Sant’Anna, Maya Montenegro, Stella Gafo, Luiza Baffa and Lidiane Angelo.
Rafael Kent, Rafael Marquez, Tânia Assumpção, Fernanda Tomé, Sarah Bauab and Daniel Tandy
Executive Producers - Rafael Kent, Rafael Marquez and Tânia Assumpção
Production Executive Ass - Sarah Bauab
Production Company - CAVE
Director - Rafael Kent
Assistant Director - 1o Ass. - Daniel Reigada and Luciana Waszak
2o Ass. - Manu Fenerich
DOP - Luiz Maximiliano
Camera Operator - Marco Grilo and Tiago Lage
Camera Ass - 1o - Willian Alves
2o - Edvaldo Raw
Logger - Daniel Tandy
Art Direction - Eduardo Kissajikian (Crocs)
Edition - Rafael Kent and Renan Chagas
Script - Rafael Kent and Renan Chagas
Still Photography - Cauê Tarnowski
Post Production Supervisor - Mario Ubirajara
Post Production - Warriors VFX
Color Grading - Cora Post (Lucas Bergamini) + Liquor (Alan Porciuncula)
Sound Editing and Mixing - Capitão Foca (Zá Coelho, Felipe Parra and Pedro Vituri)
Production Coordinator - Fernanda Tomé
Production Director - Victor Ferrari
Production Assistant - Luanda Farinha and Juliana Lima
Costume Designer - Fernanda Gunutzmam
Assistent Costume Designer - Vinícius Sousa and Thales Góes
Makeup - Iris Bittencourt, Juliana Lima and Raquel Chaves
Casting Producer - Bruna Palma
Assistant Casting Producer - Bia Loren and Juh Almeida
Location Producers - Carla Tavarez
Head Electrician - Willians Charles (Bambam)
Electrician Assistant - 1o Ass. - Rafael Máximo
2o Ass. - Aristeu Silva
Coreography - Rubens Oliveira
Main Cast - Fabrício Marcão e Mariah Valentina
Dancers - Adejatay, Arlete Alves, Bruno Coelho, Bárbara Oliveira, Bianca Lordelo, Carlos Araújo,
David Sena, Fernanda Perea, Iana Schramm, Jheniffer Batista, Juliana Jesus, Kauê Souza, Lucas
Pardim, Lilian Martins, Marina França, Munique Costa, Mayara Vidal, Mayara Rosa, Mariana Martins,
Mari Carvalho, Moara Sacchi, Pikeno, Pamela Cristina, Rafael Rodrigues, Robert Durval, Rafaela
Alencar, Sofia Serafim, Samira Marana, Ton Moura, Thaís Araújo, Taci Bastos, Vitor Dias, Vitor
Vieira, Vanessa Justino, Verônica Vieira, Well Santana and Yasmin Ribeiro
Supporting Cast - Aianne Schramm, Alice Cortês, Amanda Paixão, Alexandre Hiroshi, Bia Maia, Camila
Rodrigues, Daniela Barral, Eduardo Alves, Eduardo Cecilio, Elizeu Tozi, Erica Carolina, Érica Caru,
Felipe Prado, Felipe Oliveira, Gabriel Simplicio, Gutemberg Lima, Gabriel Venas, Ilana Madeira,
Iliana Raquel, Igor Vergueiro, Indira Gonçalves, Isabela Rodrigues, Jaqueline Gonçalves, José Hilton,
Kauê Nunes, Kauê Aguirre, Lari Alves, Lorena Oliveira, Luan Paolillo, Lucas Gabriel, Laura Sampaio,
Murilo Santos, Nai Kiese, Nataly Mascarenhas, Nouve, Paulo Gordiano, Roberta Franco, Sara Galm,
Silas Pieper, Sista Kátia, Tamara Salazar, Victor Elias, Vinícius Portela and William Diniz
Special Thanks - Casa do Produtor, Luciana Waszak and I9TV.
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