
Not Just Football - Amsterdam Host City Euro 2020

2019年05月29日 16:05
I don't get to (co)write the script for the films I direct very often, so this was an amazing opportunity. Working on the concept and writing the actual script with WeFilm Concepts was great fun!
But actually shooting it in the Rijksmuseum with such an amazing cast & crew... now that was a priceless experience! Please take some time to check it out. #snapje
Director: Colin Huijser
Production company: WeFilm
Creatives: WeFilm Concepts - Colin Huijser, Ruben Cussel, Roel Welling
Producer: Beau van Assem
DOP: Ruzbeh Babol
Editor: Kim Hinrichs
Sound Design: Luuk Hoogstraten
Music: The Missing Sync
Grading: Barry Clarke
Cast: Valentijn Benard, Jean Philippe Lejeune, Micheal Jäger
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