
ANOMALY | Behind The Scenes

2015年01月06日 15:01
WATCH THE FILM HERE: vimeo.com/115329271
Take a look behind the scenes at the characters, events and other 'trickery' that made Anomaly possible.
Shot with a minimal budget in about 9 days - much of this will be more evident with this BTS.
Thank you to all the backers and those strangers (now friends) who came on set and bought us meals and helped carry stuff around. You made this project happen and we are incredibly indebted to you!
BTS Credits:
Director/Editor: Ryan Booth
Camera: John Carl, Simon Reinert, Foster Addington, Jono Seneff, Wes Curtis
Fstoppers Article | fstoppers.com/bts/how-film-anomaly-changing-game-us-all-bts-and-interview-co-director-salomon-51974
Noam Kroll Interview | noamkroll.com/the-indie-film-anomaly-just-took-the-internet-by-storm-learn-how-the-filmmakers-pulled-it-off-with-my-interview-with-producer-jens-jacob/
Musicbed BTS Article | community.musicbed.com/articles/the-music-of-anomaly-a-conversation-with-salomon-ligthelm
Web | theanomalyfilm.com
Facebook | facebook.com/theanomalyfilm
Twitter | @anomalythemovie
Hashtag | #ANOMALY
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