
Nike FuelBand ›› Motion Wall

2012年01月26日 08:01
On January 19, 2012; Nike held an event in NYC to celebrate the announcement of their most exciting product launch in years–the Nike+ FuelBand. The core of the event centered around a large space where people received and tried out the new FuelBands.
From its arched shape to its iconic color palette, the FuelBand was direct inspiration for the MOTION WALL. The interactive installation saturated the space with ambient light, while inviting people to interact and continuously change the environment.
A series of 4 Kinects (Xbox) were mounted along the ceiling. Movement and distance from the wall were both used to trigger the light changes.
Client: Nike
Creative Director: Greg Brunkalla
Lead Creative: Fritz Simon
Producer: Trevor Potts
Production Company: @radical.media
Programing: Control Freak
Construction: Atomic Design
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