
Ciclope Progression Reel

2016年11月11日 20:11
Watch the whole film here: vimeo.com/190700988
Music by Resonate weareresonate.co/
Progress reel for the Ciclope Festival film. Before going into full production we started out with a mood reel using found footage and music to establish a rhythm and pace for the film. We then quickly laid out a dirty and rough camera move in after effects with descriptions of the actions on screen. This saved animation time and meant we didn't have to start previs or storyboarding until we had the basic events in the film decided on. It then went to 3D where we laid out the basic movement and rough geometry. The animators then started animating the drone. Each scene was done in a different file so that several people could work on different shots at the same time. The camera move and drone animation was then referenced in all of those files, rendered separately and then brought back together again in comp.
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