

2019年08月22日 15:08 ·
Discover The Possibilities Within – the idea that there is creative potential in everyone, everything and every drop of BOMBAY SAPPHIRE. Directed by renowned creative collective ManvsMachine and shot in a maze of mirrors, the new manifesto film follows three individuals in a hyperreal representation of the creative process as they bring their masterpieces to life. Each of the artworks is created using the raw materials of the iconic BOMBAY SAPPHIRE bottle (glass, paper and light) to highlight the creative potential within every bottle.

The featured artists include intricate glass sculptor Amber Cowan, who uses specialist techniques such as flameworking, blowing and hot-sculpting to breathe life into recycled, up-cycled and second-life glass objects; paper artist Maud Vantours, who uses layering techniques to create colourful and kaleidoscopic compositions; and GMUNK, who creates multi-platform visuals in an enigmatic, atmospheric and metaphysical signature style. Each of these artists has a story of their own to tell around unlocking creative potential by transcending typical artforms and methods to create original artworks which are truly unique.
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