
Insane - A word, a week

2019年07月30日 11:07 ·
Directed by: NotReal.tv
Produced by: Kasana.tv
Creative Direction: Milton Gonzalez & Valeria Moreiro
Production: Roberto Connolly
Art Direction: Valeria Moreiro
Animation Direction: Milton Gonzalez
Design: Luján Borzi, Milton Gonzalez, Valeria Moreiro
Storyboard: Luján Borzi
Animation: Milton Gonzalez, Roberto Connolly
Animation assistant and cleanup: Joana Cabrera
3D Character and rigging: Milton Gonzalez
Compositing: Roberto Connolly
Music and SFX: AhRe studio
Client: Animography.net
Typeface: Okomito by Hanken Co. & Jesper Bolther
Year: 2018
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