
Oreo "Aladdin"

2016年01月07日 01:01
Our wishes were granted the moment we were awarded “Aladdin.” Seriously. We knew we had an amazing opportunity to reinvent the classic Middle Eastern folk tale for Oreo’s Wonderfilled universe. With the Sorcerer-centric song as a guide, we developed an original cast of characters and layouts to support the story, set in motion with the campaign query: Wonder if I gave an Oreo… The real magic may lie in the development of our swirling transitions – an ancient Hue&Cry secret. From there our team of cel animators brought it all to life, one frame at a time. Using Arabic as a lead language was a first for the campaign, which initially launched in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE and Oman earning over 2 million views on YouTube and counting. Yep, it worked like magic…
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