
510 Find the Key_Cinematic Trailer

2018年05月14日 15:05
Following a sudden and mysterious disappearance of a musical genius, Alexander Masdival, a young investigator known as "The Keeper" is hired to find the 'key' to the missing music. During his investigation, he encounters a number of elaborate and complex riddles, and soon realizes that he is dealing with something much more than just music, but an encrypted message of grave significance. Meanwhile, he is being watched by a group of shadowy figures, and one after the other people around him begin to mysteriously disappear...
Dir: Shigeto 'Rage' Sayama
EP: Sam Iwata (38pro)
DP: Ximen Lu (陆希璊)
Art: Vince (黄鑫帥)
Music: Varqa
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