
Play with Onitsuka Tiger by teamLab@Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando

2012年06月28日 11:06
Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando
Apr 27 – May 11, 2012, Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando, Tokyo Japan
teamLab digital signage store promotion for 2 weeks from the opening of the new Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando store on the 27th of April 2012.
An interactive CG model design and animation of Onitsuka Tiger shoes, FABRE BL-L VIN, that react and respond to people's movement. Stand before the signage and lift your legs or jump, the animation displayed in the monitor responds and FABRE BL-L VIN shoes mimic your movement. The animated shoes don't just copy the movement of the person in front of the signage, they respond to specific actions with special responses.
The monitor contents scenes are captured every few minutes and played back to create a surprising and fun movie!
▼Onitsuka Tiger Omotesando
Opened on the 27th of April 2012
Jingumae 4-24-14, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
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