
Resonating Forest – Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport / 呼応する森

2019年05月20日 07:05
The trees of the Shiseido Forest Valley at Jewel Changi Airport shine brightly. Each tree’s light is autonomous, shining brightly and then fading as if it’s breathing.
As people pass nearby, the light of the trees changes color, and a tone specific to that color resonates out. The light of an individual tree spreads radially to the neighboring trees. In the same way that the light is transmitted between trees, the tone also propagates through each tree, spreading continuously. The color-specific tone changes pitch according to the tree’s elevation along the Shiseido Forest Valley trail.
If light resonates out from deep within, it means that there is someone over there. Perhaps people will become more aware than usual of the presence of other people in the same space.
Jewel Changi Airport(ジュエル・チャンギ・エアポート)のShiseido Forest Valleyの森が光り輝く。木々の光は、それぞれ自律しており、ゆっくりと呼吸するかのように明滅している。
木々の光は、人々が近くを通ると、光の色を変化させ色特有の音色を響かせる。そして、その木の光は、放射状に近隣の木々に伝播していく。伝播した木の光は、同じように音色を響かせながら、次々に隣の木に伝播させ、連続して広がっていく。色特有の音色は、Shiseido Forest Valleyの物理的な高低差に応じて、音階の高さも変化する。
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