
Toyota IZOA (CH-R一汽丰田奕泽) 2018 TVC 30's

2018年11月01日 14:11
In this project, we take in charge of LED stripes and LED screen.
LED stripes were made as a lighting tube behind the dancer, and program several effects for it. Other is controlling LED screen graphics through some vj tricks to match the camera’s movement. Sadly is brunch of effect clips and a lots shot were cut off.
Brand: 一汽丰田奕泽 FAW-Toyota IZOA
Producer: Shan fei
Art director: Billy kong
Talents: Yang Zixian
Online: Eric Jung
CG/VFX: Hulk Lee
Color: Louis Kim
Screen & Lighting Installation: Yang Tiezheng
Thanks to all technician support to made it.
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