
一汽大众探歌 VW T-ROC LED大灯篇 15秒广告

2018年11月01日 14:11
We made this lighting installation for VW T-ROC TVC shooting. The whole project used over 250 LED strips to build in the huge space.
There 3 part of this lighting installation:
LED characters, shortwave and square sequence.
We used Avolites Mobile Titan to program all the effects in Que list so that all the led strips would play in timecode once music and camera stop there.
then, for those simply parts, we using Resolume Arena to send DMX512 to those LED strips, that directly get a result.
Brand: 上海一汽大众 Volkswagen T-ROC
Production: 普莱斯文化传播有限公司Filmplexe Production House
Producer: 黎明 Li Ming
Director: 大头 Chen Ziyang
Talent: 廖俊涛 Liao Juntao
Art Director: 顾老师
DIT: 杨健 Yang Jian
Lighting Installation Director: 杨铁铮 Yang Tiezheng
Avolites Lighting Operator: 李博伟 Li Bowei
Thanks for the whole technician crew.
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