
Surya Promild - Breakers

2013年12月09日 18:12
A serie of 3 short films for the Surya Promild cigarettes, where the 'O' representing the brand is showing off its 'strong' side... Directed by Sam Bennetts, same director as the previous Surya Promild commercial:
All 3 movies were done with 3dsMax, Vray and Nuke, with some additional animation from Maya. Really good fun designing and bringing these 3 shots to life !
Director's main idea is to achieve each movie in one single shot, to make it more real and believable. To enhance storytelling, the camera would zoom on particular elements. For the car and breakdance movies, since camera is tracking sideways, the zooms were achieved in nuke, while CG and footages are initially composited at double resolution. For the football one, quick pans and zooms were mostly done in camera, which proved to be a bit tricky to track...
More stuffs here:
Client: Gudang Garam Surya Promild
Agency: Soho Square
Director: Sam Bennetts
Production: Seven Sundays
VFX Supervisor: Julien Vanhoenacker
VFX Artists: --
Compositing: Julien Vanhoenacker
VFX: The Post Bangkok
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