
Toronto Maple Leafs - Stand Witness

2016年10月30日 06:10
Director - Ian Pons Jewell
Cinematography - Mauro Chiarello
EP - Luc Frappier/Richard Cureton @ Revolver
Producer - Rob Allan
Prod Co - Revolver
Stylist - Stacy L Troke
Production Designer - Alan Fellows
Casting Director - Shasta Lutz @ Jigsaw
Agency - Sid Lee
AP - Jac Lazzaretto
ECD - Jeffrey Da Silva
ECD - Tom Koukodimos
Copywriter - Austen Morrow
Senior Designer - Alex Boland
Editor - Graham Chisholm @ Married To Giants
Asst Editor - Liam Crawford @ Married To Giants
EP - Denise Franceschini Shearer @ Married To Giants
Sound Design & Music - Tim Harrison @ Aumeta
Colourist - Luke Morrison @ The Mill
Colour Producer - Laurie Adrianopoli @ The Mill
Flame - James Andrews @ Wingman VFX
Comp - Trevor Corrigan Lev Puzzles Bravo Sean Douglas @ Wingman VFX
EP - Samantha Simpson @ Wingman VFX
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