
2018年09月08日 21:09 ·
Ice Cream Factory - Adobe Promo Video
I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream …Factory! The yummiest project coming out of the Crizilla & Delasey studio is a follow up from the dandy candy factory released earlier this year. We reinvented an ice cream processing with a chain reaction machine, where a UFO has the recipe for the waffle and a monster pulls the lever to activate a clumsy rabbit for instant ice cream production. After eaten up by a hungry mouth the factory is topped offed with a super delicious logo ice-cream topped with paper fruits and waffles, fimo glasing and cream, it looks so real, we had a hard time not eating it ourselves.
Marketing Manager: Katja Dollinger
Creative Director: Daniel Vargaz Diaz
Art Director: Claudia Mühlbauer
Director & Concept: Cris Wiegandt
Design: Cris Wiegandt & Lacy Barry
Crafts: Cris Wiegandt, Lacy Barry, Ju’un Alibert, Natasha John, Glinglo
Illustration: Lilly Friedeberg
Animation & Post Production: Cris Wiegandt
Produced by Barbi Mlczoch (Cosmopola)
Year of Production 2018
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